Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Mokena Community Public Library District is an organization of volunteers dedicated to helping the library in any way it can.
Joining the Friends Organization
Joining the Friends is as simple as stopping by the library. Brochures are available that include a membership form, or simply let the Customer Service Desk Staff know that you are interested. They’ll do the rest.
Starting 1/1/23 Annual membership dues are currently as follows
“We welcome new members.”
Book Sales
The Friends sales are three times a year in the Program Room of the Mokena Library. Fiction, biographies, cookbooks, science, business, children’s literature and many others subjects are sorted and priced at $1 for hardcover and larger paperbacks, 50 cents for paperbacks. Record albums, puzzles, audiotapes, videos and video games are often included in these sales at bargain prices. All proceeds go to benefit our library.
Mokena Community Public Library truly appreciates your donations of books, videos, CDs and tapes to increase our offerings to the people of our library district. The Library Staff carefully reviews your donations for selections to appear on our shelves or to offer to residents at our Friends of the Library Book Sale that helps provide funds for more library materials. Along with your appreciated donation, we also need your good judgment about your donation’s quality. Donated materials should be appropriate and informative for readers and listeners, in good and useable condition, and free of musty aroma or mildew. Donations should not include college text books, magazines or encyclopedias. Your Library Staff would gladly assist you in making your “quality decision”.